Friday, May 24, 2013

There is help... (let's put an end to depression)

There is help... (let's put an end to depression)

by Sheila Milan (Notes) on Friday, May 10, 2013 at 10:59am

There is help...if you know where to go to...Several weeks ago, I was aghast to see the news that a teenager ended her life when she couldn't go back to school...then the following day another teenager ended his life because of another reason, then another teen, then another. Just minutes earlier, a public figure shared a status about another teenager (college student) ending his life. While most commented on the sadness of the news...I can't help but comment again (the previous one was on my status) about the idea of helplines/hotlines for troubled teens (and even adults) and making use of the unli-calls and texts that we have in our mobile-crazed times, which would be easily accessible to the public since most of us have cellphones and I was happy to know that Jyl Carson gave me this:

Information and Crisis Intervention Center

(02) 804-HOPE (4673)

0917-558-HOPE (4673) or (632) 211-45500917-852-HOPE (4673)

or (632) 964-68760917-842-HOPE (4673) or (632) 964-4084

Manila Lifeline Centre Contact by: 

Phone Hotline: (02) 8969191

Hotline: Mobile phone: 0917 854 9191

In Touch Crisis Lines:0917-572-HOPE or (632) 211-1305(02) 893-7606 (24/7)

(02) 893-7603 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

Globe (63917) 800.1123 or (632) 506.7314

Sun (63922) 893.8944 or (632) 346.87762919 (toll-free number for GLOBE and TM subscribers)

you can also seek help online:

I am very happy to know that we do have helplines/hotlines here in the Philippines yet I'm also sad that only a few people know about this. Thus the writing of this note...                             

to anybody out there who feels that their world is gonna fall apart...PLEASE TALK TO SOMEBODY! a parent, an aunt, a grandma, a friend, a teacher...ANYBODY! use those Hotline numbers...My teacher once told me... "there is always a choice!"years later, my student told me..."it's not that I don't have a choice, I just have limited options"No matter what, it is a choice and however limited your options may be... continue matter how bleak you might think life is... life is precious and every life is a gift.

A note written by someone who has also undergone depression, "thought" of suicide, changed her mind and is now living and totally loving life with her family, friends, students, and cats... =^_^=Sheila M. ^_^

please don't make prank calls, depression is a serious matter.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Frustrated Environmentalist

I call myself a frustrated environmentalist (if there is such a thing) because there are still a lot of things that I have not done which a full-blown environmentalist have already done, and I'm in love with the idea that what I do, no matter how small can impact the environment that I am in.

Thus, my love for 
- organizations or anything with a cause (usually environmental or animal welfare)
- recycling stuff, re-purposing stuff, collecting things that might be reused one day (hence, some of my well-meaning friends now call me a hoarder, which I deny over and over again because I try to be a minimalist in my personal possessions >_< )
- talking and/or reading about tidbits on environment and usually sharing it to my circle and social media.

- organic/natural/environment-friendly stuff
- nature walks

And so I have been thinking to myself, 'What else could I do to help the environment?' and 'How can I convince others to do it as well?'  And I came up with a list that anyone could do (and I wish I could do someday or do it again) and make everyday an Earth Day.
And I start the list with...

  1. Throw your trash in the proper trash bin (or temporarily put it in your pocket or bag until you find a trash bin to throw it into). This may sound so simple and seems negligible to be prioritized but this is the MOST BASIC THING ANYONE CAN DO. The simple act of throwing your trash (even as small as a candy wrapper) can create a domino effect from keeping our streets clean to making our oceans a bit cleaner to providing us with cleaner/safer food to eat. 
  2. Plant. I would have said plant a tree but I haven't done that yet and planting trees (highly recommended to plant native trees to rehabilitate our native fauna) are easier said than done. So I suggest that we plant ANYTHING... whether it be flowers or cultivating the growth of a plant that just sprouted out of nowhere near your house or planting vegetables or herbs or crops... these plants could actually contribute to the cleaning of our air and giving us oxygen and food either for us, humans or for animals.
  3. BYOB as in "Bring Your Own Bag" to the grocery or to anywhere you plan to shop. Not only does it reduce the use of plastic but it also helps small communities and organizations that make these canvas bags/grocery bags make a living or raise funds for their cause and it also gives additional income to stay-at-home moms in these said communities/organizations.
  4. Another BYOB as in "Bring Your Own Bottle". It may seem such a hassle to bring your own water bottle wherever you go but in the long run, it can actually save you some money because you won't be forced to buy bottled water from the nearest store to quench your thirst. It's a win-win situation, less plastic and more savings!
  5. Recycle with a dash of creativity. Any form of recycling is perfectly fine like collecting newspapers and magazines, bottles, metal scraps to sell to "Manong Magbobote" but sometimes there are just some things that can make these stuff have one more 'life' (reuse) before it is finally weighed and sold to Manong. Just a simple google search could give you ideas on how to reuse those stuff. (would you believe I reuse the chip's wrapper as a gift wrapper? or plastic bottles as a gift container? or magazines as a ribbon or gift topper? I will have to make a blog about making these stuff one of these days!)

Still thinking of other things to add to this list (there is so much more I'd like to add but alas I have to go to work). This is a blog in progress.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some lines from The Time Paradox

The Time Paradox (by Philip Zimbardo & John Boyd)

 Written on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 2:34am 

some lines from the book...

" In time, only three days really matter: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
Yesterday is all of the days that have come before today. Tomorrow is all of the days that will come after today. Three days are all that we have in which to live our lives."

" No matter where you find happiness, you must give yourself time to experience it.
It takes time to find purpose, and it takes time to be happy.
Give yourself the gift of time. If you do not give yourself time to be happy, no one else will."

Iconic Deaths

Short note written last August 2, 2009 at 6:58am

It's kinda weird that really important people in different fields (historic people) died in the 1st half of the year. (year 2009)

first, it was Francis Magalona who was considered the "Master Rapper" who also stirred Filipino patriotism through his songs...

then, we have Michael Jackson who was the "king of pop" but i would rather call him "the Greatest Performer that ever lived" who transcends race, religion, nationality through his music (e.g. Heal the World)

and now, we have former Pres. Corazon Aquino who made history through her contribution in the People Power Revolution at EDSA during the Marcos regime (thou i will not give her the entire credit for EDSA I coz there were also other impt. people who contributed to that historic event like the late Jaime Cardinal Sin), where she became the symbol for democracy and the world was awed by that bloodless revolution - kinda like Mahatma Ghandi revolting in peaceful ways. (but then again, Ghandi was 1 man and EDSA I was an entire nation)

their deaths kinda makes one think..."what legacy will you leave behind when you die?"